In order for your name-surname change request to be processed, we kindly request you to send the following information and documents via Live Support or to the e-mail address
- Front and back side photo of your ID (Red Residence Permit Certificate, Blue Card, International Protection Certificate, Work Permit Certificate+Passport.)
- Extract of Civil Registry, obtained on the same day via e-devlet
You can access Extract of Civil Registry obtained via e-devlet from the link
*In the request for a certified population sample document via e-devlet, the name of the institution should be written as "BtcTurk" when "Submission to the Institution" is selected when filling in the "Why the Document will be Given" field. When the person request is selected, you can write your "TCKN" information.
*When obtaining an actual population registration sample via e-devlet, the "yes" option must be selected in the "show events" option.
Things to Pay Attention
- You can submit one of four documents: The front and back side photo of the Red Residence Permit Certificate, the front and back side photo of the Blue Card, the front and back side photo of the International Protection Certificate, the front and back side photo of the Work Permit Certificate, and the inside photo of the Passport.
- We would like to remind you that information changes cannot be made with documents that have expired or are less than 30 days old. You can get information about your expired identity documents by contacting the Provincial Migration Management.
Your name/surname change request will be made after the above information and documents are fully submitted to us within the day.
When your Name/Surname information is changed, we will inform you via e-mail and SMS.
Sample Image of the Front and Back of the Red Residence Permit Certificate
Sample Image of International Protection Certificate
Sample Image of the Front and Back of the Work Permit Certificate
Sample Image of the Passport
Sample image of Extract of Civil Registry;